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Nursing, B.S.

Upclose photo of 博彩网址大全 nursing student taking notes

博彩网址大全的特鲁迪·布希·瓦伦丁护理学院为学生提供了一个直接进入护理项目的理学学士学位,拥有最先进的教室和临床实验室, study abroad opportunities, 在各种各样的环境中有出色的临床经验,所有临床课程的师生比例都很低.  

博彩网址大全的本科护理学生可以在校园的第一个学期开始他们的护理课程 NURS 1400 Introduction to Nursing. Later, 你将学习如何应对护士遇到的最常见的事件, including chest pains, congestive heart failure, dehydration, confusion and asthma, in our innovative simulation lab. 你将在大二的秋季学期开始这些实践实验室经验,并在春季开始临床经验. 你还将在整个项目中完成所有主要护理专业的临床经验.

特鲁迪·布施-瓦伦丁护理学院以其卓越的护理教育而闻名. 2021年,我们94%的毕业生第一次就通过了NCLEX考试. 在2021年,Niche将博彩网址大全的Trudy Busch Valentine School of Nursing评为第一名. 8 best college in the country for nursing. Additionally, U.S. 新闻与世界报道一直将我们的MSN-NP计划列为最佳研究生院调查的顶级计划.

Curriculum Overview

In order to complete all required courses for 博彩网址大全's B.S.N. degree within four undergraduate years, curriculum guides are provided to students, 在学术顾问和教师导师的帮助下. 课程包括科学和护理课程,以及瓦伦丁护理学院和博彩网址大全要求的核心课程, 为学生提供全面的文科教育背景.

Fieldwork and Research Opportunities

SSM Health and other St. 路易斯地区的医院为就读于博彩网址大全 B的学生提供实习和奖学金项目.S.N. program. 通过这些课程,我们的学生在临床专业领域与护士导师一起工作. SSM健康博彩网址大全医院也招收博彩网址大全的B.S.N. 所有级别的学生都可以在参加护理计划时担任患者护理技术人员. You may also choose to intern at hospitals in your hometown.


Nursing graduates are eligible to apply to take the NCLEX-RN, 一种衡量作为一名有效的初级护士所需要的能力的考试. 瓦伦丁护理学院希望其毕业生在毕业后能够成功就业或进入研究生课程.

Admission Requirements

博彩网址大全特鲁迪·布希·瓦伦丁护理学院坚持全面录取的原则,选择标准是广泛的,并与我们大学和学院的使命和目标相联系. While we do consider academic metrics, we also look at applicant experiences, attributes, potential for success, 以及申请人如何为学校的学习环境和职业做出贡献.

Licensure Disclosure

该课程符合密苏里州注册护士执照的教育要求.  Note that the Missouri Board of Nursing may impose additional requirements on candidates prior to granting a license; we encourage you to investigate these requirements.

博彩网址大全的特鲁迪·布希·瓦伦丁护理学院尚未确定该课程是否符合任何其他州或地区的护理执照教育要求. 我们鼓励您在接受瓦伦丁护理学院的录取通知之前,调查您所在州或地区的要求.

Freshman Applicants

高三学生的博彩网址大全申请都是在竞争激烈的情况下进行的, holistic and individual basis. 从申请池中选出最合格的学生,要求高中GPA最低为3分.20 on a 4.00 scale, with an emphasis on math and science. Standardized test scores are optional but are preferred. 

请注意,所有护理专业的学生在博彩网址大全学习期间都要参加多次考试, 最终在课程结束时参加国家护理委员会NCLEX考试. 所有护理专业的申请者都应该意识到,虽然博彩网址大全不需要标准化考试成绩(国际申请者可能需要提交英语水平证明)。, 成为一名执业护士需要标准化考试(在你的本科经历和NCLEX期间).

Strong applicants will have: 

  • 四年数学(包括相当于代数或高等代数的数学课程)
  • Four years of science (including one year of biology; one year of chemistry)
  • 展示领导力、社区服务和社区参与的活动 
  • If you choose to submit a test score, 请注意,博彩网址大全考虑的最低要求是ACT/1160 SAT 24分.

所有大一新生完成护理申请的截止日期为12月9日. 1.

An official high school transcript must be submitted. Students must earn a 从认可的学校获得高中文凭,或者在开始上课之前在通识教育发展测试(GED)中取得可接受的分数. 在录取决定中会考虑课外活动.

Transfer Applicants

进入传统护理课程的外部转学生非常有限,完全取决于课程的空间可用性, 在某些年份导致没有外部转学生被录取. In years where space is available, there are more applicants than spots available, so entry is not guaranteed.  请与瓦伦丁护理学院招聘专员联系 regarding the availability to transfer.

4-Year BSN Transfer Requirements

  • GPA of 3.2 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
  • 成功完成人体解剖学和人体生理学或人体解剖学 & Physiology 1 and Human Anatomy and Physiology 2, Chemistry, and Lifespan Human Growth and Development is recommended.
  • 在录取决定中会考虑课外活动. The transfer application deadline for fall is April 1.

1-Year Accelerated BSN Transfer Opportunity

所有获得至少77个学分并完成特定课程先决条件要求的本科生都有资格申请初级博彩网址大全加速选项. 这个项目将在三年级之后的夏季学期开始. 请通过slunurse@slu联系瓦伦丁护理学院招聘专家.edu regarding this opportunity.

Current Students

博彩网址大全非护理学院或学校注册为新生的学生,如果希望将专业改为护理专业,将是在瓦伦丁护理学院注册为新生的学生之后考虑录取的第二组学生 and must fulfill the following requirements for consideration:

  • A 3.20 GPA or higher on a 4.00 scale.
  • Ability to demonstrate successful completion of science courses, preferably at Saint Louis University.


Tuition Cost Per Year
Undergraduate Tuition $52,260

Additional charges may apply. Other resources are listed below:

Net Price Calculator

Information on Tuition and Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Information on Summer Tuition

Scholarships and Financial Aid


  • Scholarships: 奖学金是根据学业成绩、服务、领导能力和经济需要颁发的.
  • Financial Aid: 经济援助通过赠款和贷款提供,其中一些需要偿还.

博彩网址大全尽一切努力使我们的教育负担得起. 在2022财年,99%的大一新生和90%的所有学生都获得了奖学金 financial aid 全校学生获得了超过4.45亿美元的助学金.

For priority consideration for merit-based scholarships, 在12月1日前申请博彩网址大全,并在3月1日前完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA).

For information on other scholarships and financial aid, visit


Trudy Busch Valentine护理学院是由密苏里州护理委员会完全批准的.

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 瓦伦丁护理学院的护理学硕士和护理实践博士获得了美国护士协会的认证 Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and approved by the Missouri State Board of Nursing. To achieve its educational objectives, 学校使用SSM Health内的医院和大St区的许多保健组织. Louis area.

  1. 毕业生将能够将人们视为具有独特价值的个体, dignity, and potential for self-actualization.
  2. 毕业生将能够从人文和自然综合理论和经验知识, social, behavioral, and nursing sciences to provide safe, effective nursing care.
  3. 毕业生将能够在理解自我和他人的基础上建立关系, and of interpersonal and group dynamics.
  4. 毕业生将能够在各种环境中与不同年龄和不同社会文化背景的客户进行实践.
  5. 毕业生将能够运用批判性思维和解决问题的能力, in the application of the nursing process, to achieve optimal client adaptation.
  6. Graduates will be able to assist clients, at any point on the health-illness continuum, to mobilize and use adaptive resources for promotion, maintenance and restoration of health.
  7. 毕业生将能够与跨专业的同事合作, community representatives and consumers to enhance health care.
  8. 毕业生将能够应用基于证据的知识作为安全的基础, effective nursing practice.
  9. 毕业生将能够将职业道德规范和职业标准应用于临床实践.
  10. 毕业生将能够展示个人和职业责任, accountability and self-direction.
  11. 毕业生将能够在专业和跨专业实践中展示领导原则.
  12. 毕业生将能够展示对医疗保健政策问题的理解, trends and strategies as they influence accessibility, accountability and affordability in health care delivery.
  13. 毕业生将能够利用适当的信息和卫生保健技术,以提高客户服务的交付.

A grade of C- or better is required for all prerequisite, required and Interprofessional Education (IPE) courses.  护理课程的成绩必须达到C或更高. 

University Undergraduate Core32-35
Requirements that meet the University Undergraduate Core
CHEM 1080
CHEM 1085
Principles of Chemistry 1 Lecture
and Principles of Chemistry 1 Lab (satisfies CORE 3800)
IPE 2100
IPE 4900
Interprofessional Community Practicum (satisfies CORE 4000, CORE 4500 and Core:Writing Intensive)
NURS 1400
Introduction to Nursing (satisfies CORE 1500)
NURS 1430
Human Growth and Development through the Lifespan (satisfies CORE 1000)
PSY 1010
General Psychology (satisfies CORE 3600)
STAT 1100
Introduction to Statistics (satisfies CORE 3200)
or STAT 1300
Elementary Statistics with Computers
or PSY 2050
Foundations of Research Methods and Statistics
Foundation Requirements
ANAT 1000Basic Human Anatomy3
BIOL 1600Microbiology for Nursing3
HCE 2010Foundations in Clinical Health Care Ethics3
or PHIL 2050 Ethics
or PHIL 3360 Medical Ethics
SociologyAny SOC 1000-49993
IPE 4200Applied Decision-Making in Interprofessional Practice3
PPY 2540Human Physiology4
NURS 2500Clinical Concepts in Nursing Practice3
NURS 2510Health Promotion Across the Lifespan3
NURS 2520Foundations for Nursing Care3
NURS 2700Evidence Based Nursing2
NURS 3200Health Assessment3
NURS 3330Pharmacotherapeutics for Nursing Care3
NURS 3360Pathophysiology4
NURS 3370Essentials of Therapeutic Nutrition: A Nursing Approach2
NURS 3430Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing4
NURS 3440Public Health Nursing4
NURS 3460Nursing Care of the Adult4
NURS 3470Nursing Care of the Older Adult4
NURS 3480Maternal/Neonatal Nursing4
NURS 3490Child Health Nursing4
NURS 4100Leadership and Management2
NURS 4150Integrative Seminar on Issues in Nursing Practice2
NURS 4200Nursing Immersion Practicum4
NURS 4300Complex Care Theory2
NURS 4350Complex Care Practicum4
NURS 4400Synthesis of Nursing Concepts1
NURS 48xxNURS Elective numbered 48xx2
Students may add a 12-credit Family Nursing Concentration
NURS 1430
Human Growth and Development through the Lifespan
NURS 2510
Health Promotion Across the Lifespan
Select 6 additional credits with the "Family Nursing" attribute
General Electives 6
Total Credits121-124

转学生将被要求选修一门额外的护理选修课程 NURS 1400 Introduction to Nursing (1 cr).

5学分可以是通识教育选修课、IPE课程或额外的护理选修课.  Students who choose IPE 2100 全球背景下的跨专业协作和医疗保健(3学分) will earn a concentration in IPE.

Continuation Standards




Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !)必须在列出的学期内完成,以确保及时毕业. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

这个路线图不应该用来代替定期的学术咨询预约. 鼓励所有学生每学期与他们的指导老师/导师见面. 要求,课程的可用性和顺序可能会发生变化.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
NURS 1400 Introduction to Nursing 1
CHEM 1080
CHEM 1085
Principles of Chemistry 1 Lecture
and Principles of Chemistry 1 Lab
BIOL 1600 Microbiology for Nursing 3
CORE 1700 Ultimate Questions: Philosophy 3
PSY 1010 General Psychology 3
Select course block 1A or 1B in Fall and the other in Spring 3
NURS 1430
or STAT 1100
Human Growth and Development through the Lifespan (BLOCK 1A)
or Introduction to Statistics
ANAT 1000 Basic Human Anatomy 3
CORE 1600 Ultimate Questions: Theology 3
HCE 2010
or PHIL 2050
or PHIL 3360
Foundations in Clinical Health Care Ethics
or Ethics
or Medical Ethics
CORE 1900 Eloquentia Perfecta 1: Written and Visual Communication 3
Select course block 1A or 1B not chosen in the previous Fall 3
STAT 1100
or NURS 1430
Introduction to Statistics
or Human Growth and Development through the Lifespan
Year Two
NURS 2500 Clinical Concepts in Nursing Practice 3
NURS 3200 Health Assessment 3
PPY 2540 Human Physiology 4
CORE 1200 Eloquentia Perfecta 2: Oral and Visual Communication 3
Critical course:  Select course block 2A or 2B in Fall and the other in Spring 3-6
NURS 2510
or NURS 2520 and IPE 2100
Health Promotion Across the Lifespan (BLOCK 2A)
or Foundations for Nursing Care and 全球背景下的跨专业协作和医疗保健
NURS 2700 Evidence Based Nursing (Critical course:  Must have statistics requirement completed. ) 2
NURS 3330 Pharmacotherapeutics for Nursing Care 3
NURS 3360 Pathophysiology 4
社会学要求(接受任何带有SOC科目代码的社会学课程) 3
Critical course:  Select course block 2A or 2B not chosen in the previous Fall 3-6
NURS 2520
IPE 2100
or NURS 2510
Foundations for Nursing Care (BLOCK 2B)
or Health Promotion Across the Lifespan
Year Three
Critical course:  Select course block 3A or 3B in Fall and the other in Spring 14-15
IPE 4200
NURS 3440
NURS 3470
NURS 3490
Applied Decision-Making in Interprofessional Practice
and Public Health Nursing
and Nursing Care of the Older Adult
and Child Health Nursing (BLOCK 3A)
NURS 3370
NURS 3430
NURS 3460
NURS 3480
Essentials of Therapeutic Nutrition: A Nursing Approach
and Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing
and Nursing Care of the Adult
and Maternal/Neonatal Nursing (BLOCK 3B)
Critical course:  Select course block 3A or 3B not chosen in the previous Fall 14-15
NURS 3370
NURS 3430
NURS 3460
NURS 3480
Essentials of Therapeutic Nutrition: A Nursing Approach
and Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing
and Nursing Care of the Adult
and Maternal/Neonatal Nursing (BLOCK 3B)
IPE 4200
NURS 3440
NURS 3470
NURS 3490
Applied Decision-Making in Interprofessional Practice
and Public Health Nursing
and Nursing Care of the Older Adult
and Child Health Nursing (BLOCK 3A)
Year Four
NURS 4100 Leadership and Management 2
CORE 2800 Eloquentia Perfecta 3: Creative Expression 2-3
Critical course:  General Education Electives or Nursing Electives 5
Critical course:  Select course block 4A or 4B in Fall and the other in Spring 6-7
NURS 4200
IPE 4900
Nursing Immersion Practicum
and Interprofessional Community Practicum (BLOCK 4A)
NURS 4300
NURS 4350
Complex Care Theory
and Complex Care Practicum (BLOCK 4B)
NURS 4150 Integrative Seminar on Issues in Nursing Practice 2
NURS 4400 Synthesis of Nursing Concepts 1
NURS 48xxNursing Elective 2
CORE 3400 Ways of Thinking: Aesthetics, History, and Culture 3
Critical course:  Select course block 4A or 4B not chosen in the previous Fall 6-7
NURS 4300
NURS 4350
Complex Care Theory
and Complex Care Practicum (BLOCK 4B)
NURS 4200
IPE 4900
Nursing Immersion Practicum
and Interprofessional Community Practicum (BLOCK 4A)
 Total Credits120-131

5学分可以是通识教育选修课、IPE课程或额外的护理选修课.  Students who choose IPE 2100 全球背景下的跨专业协作和医疗保健(3学分) will earn a concentration in IPE.

University Core Curriculum

Beginning in Fall 2022, all incoming 博彩网址大全 undergraduates—regardless of major, program, college or school—will complete the University Core curriculum. You can find more information about the Common Core here.

Licensure Examination

Per section 335.066密苏里州护理实践法案RSMo:完成护理课程并不保证有资格参加执照考试.

Apply for Admission

For additional admission questions, 请联系瓦伦丁护理学院的招聘和招生人员:

Undergraduate Inquiries

Graduate Inquiries