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Ricardo J. Wray, Ph.D.

Professor; Behavioral Science and Health Equity
College for Public Health and Social Justice

Courses Taught

Science, Theory and Public Health (PHS 6050); Social Ecology and Public Health (BSH 5200); Translating Evidence and Theory for Community Practice (PUBH 5070); Health Communication (BSH 5310)


  • Ph.D., Communication, University of Pennsylvania
  • M.S., Communication, Cornell University
  • B.A. 布朗大学国际发展研究荣誉学位

Research Interests

健康传播、气候传播、数字媒体战略、社会和 行为理论,健康的社会决定因素,健康差异和公平.

Publications and Media Placements

1. Wallace C, Subramaniam DS, Hendricks-Ferguson VL, Wray RJ, Dant D, Bullock K, Bennett A, Coccia K, White P. 发展一种不同的安宁疗护认知工具 patients and families (Sci223). Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 65(5), e652., 2023.  

2. Wray RJ, Nicks S, Adsul P, Elliot M, Enard K, Jupka K, Trainer A, Hansen N, Shahid M, Wright-Jones R, Siddiqui S. 促进知情的前列腺癌筛查决策 for African American men in a community-based setting. Cancer Causes and Control, 33(4), 503-514, 2022

3. Wray RJ, Hansen N, Ding D, Masters J. 校园禁烟政策对烟草的影响 学生、教职员工之间的态度、规范和行为. Journal of American College Health, 1-12, 2020.

4. Wray RJ, Weaver N, Adsul P, Gautam K, Jupka K, Zellin S, Goggins K, Vijaykumar S, Hansen N and Rudd R. 提高密苏里州农村诊所的组织健康素养: A qualitative case study. 国际卫生保健质量保证杂志, 32(5), 788, 2019.

5. Nicks S, Wray RJ,皮夫勒O,杰克逊S,麦克卢尔S, Enard K,施瓦茨T. Examining peer support and 非裔美国女性乳腺癌患者的存活率. Psycho-Oncology, 28(2), 358-364, doi:, 2019.

6. Seale DE, LeRouge CM, Ohs JE, Tao D, Lach HW, Jupka K, Wray RJ. 探索早期婴儿潮一代管理健康和医疗保健的方法. 国际电子卫生与医疗通信杂志,10(1),94- 117,2019.

7. Wray RJ, Nicks S, Adsul P, Elliott M, Jupka K, Trainer AK, Shahid Sr. M, Wright-Jones R and Siddiqui, S. 促进前列腺高风险人群的知情筛查决策 cancer. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 52, S1: S24-S24, 2018.

8. Adsul P, Wray RJ, Boyd D, Weaver N and Siddiqui. S. Perceptions of urologists about the conversational 新诊断前列腺癌患者治疗决策的因素 patients. Journal of Cancer Education, 32(3): 580-588, DOI: 10.1007/s13187-016-1025-2, 2017.

9. Wray RJ, Weaver N, Jupka K, Zellin S, Berman S和Vijaykumar S. Comparing state legislative 助理对烟草政策强州和弱州制定烟草政策的看法: a qualitative study. 美国健康促进杂志,31(6),476-483,DOI: 10.1177/0890117116668453, 2017.

10. Adsul P, Wray R, Gautam K, Jupka K, Weaver N, Wilson K. Becoming a health literate organization: 形成性研究结果来自医疗保健组织,为服务不足的人提供护理 communities. 卫生服务管理研究,30(4):188- 196,2017.

11. St. Louis researchers want your mosquito pictures (Tracy Hinson, KSDK piece, 2/9/23) 
12. St. 路易斯研究人员寻求公众帮助开发新的蚊子追踪应用程序 (Spectrum News, 3/10/23); Elizabeth Barmeier|Digital Journalist; P: 314-303-9275|E:

13. Staying ahead of mosquito borne diseases. New app tracks the insects  (Leah Hill, KMOV piece, 3/30/23) 

14. 博彩网址大全 researchers want your mosquito photos this summer (Emily Woodbury and Elaine Cho, St. Louis on the Air, 4/6/23) 

15. 蚊子警报STL想帮助你识别你后院的虫子,并给公众 卫生官员获得了监测疾病所需的数据 (Amanda Woytus, St. Louis magazine, 4/19/23)

Honors and Awards

  • Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award (2010)
  • Health Literacy Missouri Trailblazer Award (2014)
  • The Empowerment Network (2018), Under Our Wings奖

Professional Organizations and Associations

  • Society of Behavioral Medicine
  • American Public Health Association
  • Society for Health Communication
  • Society for Public Health Education

Community Work and Service

For more than 30 years Dr. Wray has contributed to the design, implementation and 评估国外和美国的健康交流项目,促进 生殖健康、预防暴力、癌症、慢性病和传染病; and emergency preparedness. 他领导了关于健康传播科学的研究报告 奖学金,包括采用组织健康素养,阐述理论 干预措施效果的途径,以及探索数字技术如何影响健康 behaviors. 将行为改变的重点延伸到健康传播领域, 他的研究探讨了沟通过程如何与组织、机构、 影响少数民族人口健康的社会和社区现象 underserved communities. 他的工作应用了实施科学,健康的原则 公平和以社区为基础的参与性项目和研究,应用定性 定量方法、观察、准实验和实验设计, 在设计、实施和传播方面与社区组织合作 of applied public health research.  
Dr. 雷是幸存者创立的赋权网络的长期合作伙伴 并领导了一个为非裔美国人提供前列腺癌服务和支持的组织 men in St. Louis. He has an ongoing collaboration with the City of St. Louis Health Department and the St. 路易斯县公共卫生部门关于他们的COVID预防 向北街的非裔美国人社区伸出援手的努力. Louis.  
他目前担任蚊子警报STL (MASTL)的沟通和研究负责人, 由博彩网址大全,密苏里植物园和St. Louis City and County Health Departments. MASTL旨在促进智能手机应用程序的采用和使用 叫做“蚊子警报”,创建公民科学家网络,增进理解 开展有效防蚊措施,确保生态防蚊 在保护生物多样性的同时,通过伙伴关系、社区和数字化开展工作 outreach and research.