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The 辛克菲尔德应用经济研究中心 brings together researchers throughout Saint 路易 University who share a common interest in applied economic research.

这两幅圣. 路易 area depict cellphone geolocation "pings" on Labor 2019年和2020年. In 2019, 手机位置和, 默认情况下, people were concentrated in a number of recreational locations throughout the area. 相比之下,2020年的地图 shows that people were more dispersed throughout residential areas, 而且只在几个地方聚集. 启动幻灯片这两幅圣. 路易 area depict cellphone geolocation "pings" on Labor 2019年和2020年. In 2019, 手机位置和, 默认情况下, people were concentrated in a number of recreational locations throughout the area. 相比之下,2020年的地图 shows that people were more dispersed throughout residential areas, only congregating 在一些地方.

该中心是 博彩网址大全研究所, reports to an advisory board consisting of the Deans of the Chaifetz School of Business, the School of Education, the College for Public Health and Social 正义. The center was established in the fall of 2018 following 博士慷慨的礼物. 珍妮和先生. 雷克斯Sinquefield.


The center's mission is to advance rigorous research on economic growth and social 可以为公共政策提供信息的福利. Our research interest is urban economic development, 与圣. 路易斯是我们的实验室. 中心工作人员和附属研究人员在 a broad range of applied economic research topics including taxation, education, health, regulation, entrepreneurship and technology policy. 我们在标题中使用“应用” 认真. To that end, we invest in developing large and rich databases on schools, neighborhoods, employment and workforce development for the state and the St. 路易 metro area that form the foundation for our applied research.

该中心的工作促进耶稣会的价值观. 我们的使命是使用 modern applied microeconomics to help create economic opportunity for all residents 圣. 路易 by promoting excellence in applied economic and social policy research. 


The 辛克菲尔德应用经济研究中心 (SCAER) brings together researchers from a variety of fields to engage in transformative economic research. 下面是 scer支持的工作.