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Saint Louis University's Division of Division and Innovative 社区参与 provides definitions of common terms around diversity, equity and inclusion.


Saint Louis University follows the Carnegie Foundation’s definition of 社区参与, seen below, which helps guide the work of the Division of 多样性 and Innovative 社区参与 and lays a foundation for deepening our engagement with community 以及校园合作伙伴. 

卡内基基金会的社区参与分类: “Community engagement describes collaboration between institutions of higher education and their larger communities (local, regional/state, national, global) for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity.”


Connected communities are identified by three criteria: place, identity and affinity.

  • 的地方: Saint Louis University employees and students make up connected communities in addition to external communities located in close proximity to Saint Louis University, St. 路易斯市和西班牙的马德里.
  • 身份: Communities unified by one more social identity categories like race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender, nationality, neurodivergence, disability, class,/or age connect to 博彩网址大全 by way of our Jesuit mission to alleviate injustice for those most 被边缘化的.
  • 亲和力: Communities should not just share common social identity categories, but also form 围绕共同的兴趣或目标. 换句话说,他们形成了一个社区 因为他们有共同的身份和共同的目标. 社区与 耶稣会的使命也是我们相互联系的社区的一部分. 

When identifying connected communities, organizations should be as specific as possible, narrowing down all of the common factors associated with the three criteria. 要做 so is to hone in on a specific niche versus crafting assumptions about what may or 可能不会让一个社区团结起来.

At Saint Louis University, our specific communities include patients, alumni, parents, vendors, industry partners, neighbors, both housed and unhoused, all 博彩网址大全 staff, faculty, students, administrators, communities in direct proximity to our campuses, any and all 被边缘化的 people that the Jesuit mission promises to lift up and support.


Standard definitions define culture as a “the shared set of attitudes, values, goals, 以及具有机构或组织特征的实践.“文化也是一个 verb, or the things we do that when repeated overtime construct ideas around norms 博彩网址大全的行为和行为.

When we think of culture as a verb responsible for defining collective understanding of our communities, we recognize the moral obligation to do things that push us towards 解放、治愈、正义和未来. 


The term cultural diversity began making waves in 1987 when organizations began investing 使他们的劳动力多样化. 教科书上的定义指出,多样性是存在的 当一个社区内的人口差异得到很好的体现时. 这些差异 include race, ethnicity, age, ability, language, nationality, socioeconomic status, 性别、宗教或性取向. 一个群体是多种多样的,如果多种多样的社会 表示身份类别.

Over the years, diversity work has been conflated with the idea of a Seat at the Table, or the ability for diverse others to have influence and power over the decision making 过程. According to TIME magazine, in 2003, companies spent a reported $8 billion dollars on diversity efforts including training and targeted hires for diversity and 包括专业人士. 尽管做出了这些努力,但组织并没有变得更加多样化 比1987年还多.

People of color make up 40% of the US population, but remain grossly underrepresented 在组织. 从2009年到2018年,黑人律师的比例从1%上升.7% to 2.8%. A 2018 survey of the 15 largest public companies found that nonwhite employees 占董事会席位的11%. 在那些被白人占多数的机构聘用的有色人种中, retention rates are much lower due to burnout, workplace discrimination, a lack 归属感.

多样性 and inclusion efforts must extend beyond invitations to the table and move into structural and interpersonal changes in practice, policy, behavior. 而不是 of focusing on data and numbers, we define diversity as the organizational 过程es, practices, policies, procedures that ensure creating and maintaining an anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-ableist cultural and structural environment that attracts and retains 多样化的人. 


股本, by and large, is defined as a state of being where social and cultural identities 不再预测结果,所有人的条件都得到了改善. 实现股权 requires ensuring that those most impacted by a system of injustice are the face of 解决方案.


Inclusive excellence is creating and maintaining a standard of quality and equity that empowers and positively promotes each individual’s talents, integrity, dignity, and, in turn, allows one to reach their fullest and most authentic potential and capabilities.


Social change means directly dismantling intersecting forms of social inequality present in gender, race, ethnicity, social class, religion, sexuality, other status dimensions. The goal of social change is dismantling oppressive social structures and practices 阻碍人类繁荣.


Transformative change is a 过程 through which who we are is changed so deeply that our very ways of perceiving, thinking, reflecting and meaning-making about ourselves, 我们的制度和组织在改变. 我们的情感变得更加活跃和富有表现力. Our relationships and connectedness to and within our communities shift. 我们的方式 值班. 我们放弃遗留的解决方案,并找到彻底改变的勇气 平衡我们的组织,创造新的东西.


Universal accessibility is the design and composition of an environment so that it can be accessed, understood, used to the greatest extent possible by all people 不论他们的年龄、体型、能力或残疾.