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As an academic unit of Saint Louis University in St. 路易斯,密苏里州,美国,圣路易斯 University ― Madrid is accredited through the University's 认证机构, the Higher 学习委员会.

The Institutional Actions Council (IAC) of the HLC voted to continue the accreditation of Saint Louis University in 2022, with the next comprehensive evaluation set for 2031-32.

In addition, the University is accredited by appropriate professional bodies for specific 项目. 理查德·A. Chaifetz School of Business, through which the Madrid Campus offers its business 项目, is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate 商学院(AACSB International). 在马德里开设的工程课程是一致的 with those offered by the School of Science and Engineering, accredited by the 认证 工程技术委员会. Our art history program is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD). 的完整列表 大学的认证,咨询 教务长办公室.

博彩网址大全-Madrid has official recognition and authorization to operate as a U.S. 机构 在西班牙,第一个美国.S. 大学才能达到这一地位. 1996年,共产主义 de Madrid Regional Government authorized Saint Louis University in Spain, also known as Saint Louis University — Madrid Campus, as a center of post-secondary education, 允许它提供美国.S. 马德里的学位课程(1999/96年《中华人民共和国行政命令.10.96). On an annual basis, the Madrid Campus submits a report to the regional government on enrollment, changes in 项目, faculty, financial accounting.

These accreditations ensure that students who earn Saint Louis University degrees are entitled to the rights and privileges pertaining to them, for example, eligibility to apply for advanced study or to apply for licensure in certain professions in the 美国. 博彩网址大全's liberal arts degrees (Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science), however, are not automatically recognized as equivalent to official degrees offered 西班牙大学.

文学士/理学士vs. 西班牙的级

虽然没有单一的“美国.S. model of education," Saint Louis University's degree 结构是典型的美国.S. degrees: it requires students to complete a major program in a specific discipline and general education requirements. 博彩网址大全 在马德里和圣. Louis, these additional requirements include the courses that comprise the University's Jesuit liberal arts core. 他们也允许 students to pursue in-depth study in areas beyond their majors and apply elective courses toward their undergraduate degrees.

A key feature of liberal arts 项目 is the flexible pathways toward degree completion. Some students come to 博彩网址大全 with a clear idea of their academic plans. 别人发现了 their passion during their first or second year of study. 一些学术课程是 less flexible than others: for example, engineering, nursing and business students must take discipline-specific courses during their first year. 这些学生可以 apply these credits to a new major should they wish to change, complement their program with a second major or minor, take electives that count toward their degrees.

By providing students with strong foundational knowledge across disciplines, the U.S. liberal arts model of education opens professional opportunities for graduates. 许多 students earning bachelor's degrees enter the workforce and embark on their professional 毕业后立即从事的职业. 在美国的一些职业.S.,比如医药和 法律,需要高学历. 博彩网址大全's 项目 provide students the training they need 在研究生院取得成功.

A U.S. bachelor's degree is the American equivalent of a Spanish . 都是四年制本科学位. However, the requirements of the two degrees, 在许多情况下,不要对齐. Spanish degrees have fewer electives; they require more focused coursework and training in a single discipline — although the double 也被介绍过吗.

There are employment sectors in Spain and elsewhere in Europe — health care, education and civil service are important examples — that require the pre-professional training that results from the more discipline-focused requirements that characterize official, 国家认可的西班牙语学位. 因此,U.S. 文科课程,那种 of program that 博彩网址大全-Madrid offers in Spain, might not serve students wishing to embark 在这些职业道路上.

欲了解更多信息,请咨询西班牙 大学部欧洲高等教育区.

U.S. 学位Convalidation

Saint Louis University grants degrees that are recognized by a U.S. 认证机构. These degrees are not "official" degrees in Spain, that is, degrees that are registered with and reviewed by Spain's Ministry of Education.

博彩网址大全 graduates — as well as graduates who have earned credits at 博彩网址大全-Madrid — need to follow a process established by Spain's Ministry of Education to have their 博彩网址大全 西班牙官方认可的学位. Convalidation (homologacion) to the Spanish system is subject to the requirements 和 authorization of the 西班牙教育部. 我们的注册商提供 有关此过程的信息.


博彩网址大全-Madrid proudly stays at the forefront of best practices in higher education by maintaining active affiliations with a wide range of professional organizations:

  • AAICU (Association of American International Colleges and Universities).
  • 美国海外大学.
  • NAFSA (Association of International Educators).
  • NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling).
  • AACRAO (American Association of Collegiate Registrars and 招生 Officers).
  • 国际学校理事会.
  • International ACAC (International Association for College Admission Counseling).