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While developed to assist and inform 大学 employees and students who participate in social media from 大学 facilities, the guidelines in this section should 对使用社交媒体的人有所帮助.

Individuals are personally and legally responsible for everything that they post online. The same basic policies, standards of behavior, professional expectations and laws relating to employees' and students' interactions with colleagues, students, parents, patients, alumni, donors, or any other individual or group apply online as in the 现实世界中.

It is a good rule of thumb that if 你 would not want 你r comments posted on a billboard (and attributed to 你) for the whole world to see, it is unwise to post them. 考虑 this before posting to ensure that 你r comments will not alienate, harm or provoke 任何人.


Be honest about 你rself, but don't provide personal information that others could use against 你, or allow identity thieves and other criminals to take advantage of 你. It is recommended that 你 do not list 你r home address or personal telephone 号码或工作电话号码.

It is suggested that 你 use only 你r personal or, as appropriate, 你r 大学 联系您的电子邮件地址. 社交媒体对隐私的影响 uses of information and content which users post to these sites are still being determined. In many cases, posts are permanent, publicly accessible through search engines 比如谷歌.


When posting comments, refrain from posting material that is vulgar, obscene, threatening, intimidating, harassing, or a violation of 大学's policies against discrimination, harassment, or hostility on account of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, veteran status, marital status, genetic information, pregnancy, or gender expression/identity, or other protected class, status or characteristic.

As employees and students of Saint Louis 大学, 你 should be aware of the 大学's mission and have an appreciation of the ideals underlying it, including respect for the dignity of all others and the civil and thoughtful 对立观点的讨论.

你的评论的语气应该是尊重和信息丰富的. 人身攻击, 网上打架和敌对通讯是不可容忍的. 通讯、评论、 or content that would not be tolerated on campus will not be tolerated merely because 它发生在社交媒体上. 这些行为如果发生在 workplace or classroom is similarly actionable if conducted via social media.

Understand that 你r contributions to social media sites may be the impetus for heated 对立观点的讨论. 如果一个博主或任何其他在线影响者发布了一个 statement with which 你 disagree, 你 can voice 你r opinion, but should not escalate 谈话变成了激烈的争论. 分享你对工作的热情,交流 about 你r experiences and the successes 你 have been a part of, be a good ambassador 博彩网址大全. 您的声誉和博彩网址大全的声誉 你最好别掺和进来.


While the 大学 has no current intention to ban or block social media from 大学 systems, it is 你r responsibility to ensure that 你r social media use does not interfere with 你r work commitments; 你r work time is for 大学-related business.

Moreover, if 你 conduct personal social media activity through 大学 equipment or systems, 你 should have no expectation of privacy with respect to any such postings.  大学 property and resources are reserved for 大学-related business in accordance with the 大学's Information Technology Appropriate Use Policy.


Do not post confidential or proprietary information about Saint Louis 大学, its students, their parents, its employees, its donors or its alumni. 的例子 categories of confidential information that must not be revealed include, but are not limited to: student education records, admissions documents, disciplinary proceedings, patient health records, personnel records, personal or institutional financial information, information related to research, proprietary knowledge and intellectual property.

You must follow all applicable federal privacy regulations including, without limitation, the Health Information Privacy and Portability Act ("HIPPA"), the Family Educational Records Privacy Act ("FERPA"), the Gramm Leach Bliley Act ("GLB"), adhere 遵守大学的私隐及保密政策. 分享机密的员工 information do so at the risk of disciplinary action or termination. 这个建议 does not extend, specifically excludes, protected activity under Section 7 of 《国家劳动关系法.


You must utilize a personal email account that is not affiliated with the 大学 作为你使用社交媒体时的博彩网址大全. 使用个人电子邮件帐户服务 to prevent confusion and works to eliminate any misperception that 你 are speaking 代表大学. 

Just as 你 would not use Saint Louis 大学 stationery for a letter to the editor expressing 你r personal views, do not use Saint Louis 大学 email address in 通过社交媒体表达你的个人观点.


Users of social media should have no expectations of their posts being private. 的帖子 may be permanent, discoverable, searchable, 你 should expect 你r comments and posts to social media sites to be copied, forwarded and archived. 

Your conversations online may be found long after they have been posted using common 搜索引擎,比如谷歌,即使你已经删除了它们.