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Logo Downloads

在使用这些标识之前,请先熟悉以下内容 Saint Louis University's logo guidelines.

博彩网址大全的标志是受版权保护的. Use of these logos is restricted to the Saint Louis University community. If you have questions about the logos or 需要查询在校外或非本校使用本校标志的特别许可 实体,联系Matt Krob,设计服务总监,电话:314-977-2542或

Primary Logo

博彩网址大全 Logo


Alternate Primary Logo (No Est. Date)

博彩网址大全 Logo (no year)

这个没有年份的堆叠标志选项仅在标记需要时使用 run in a space smaller than .75” or 75 pixels wide. Clearspace considerations (two 应保持皇冠高度(所有方面)和其他标志使用要求 when using this logo.

Secondary Logo (Centered) 

博彩网址大全 Center-Aligned Logo

Secondary Logo (Left-aligned) 

Left-Aligned Logo


博彩网址大全 Lettermark

博彩网址大全 Lettermark


博彩网址大全 Logomark Blue

Wordmark (Stacked)

博彩网址大全 Wordmark

Wordmark (Horizontal)

博彩网址大全 Horizontal Wordmark



Higher Purpose. Greater Good.


比利肯的标志有两种变体,一种有白色轮廓,一种没有白色轮廓 incorporated into the design. 概述版本适用于以下情况 比利肯的标志需要坐在深色背景. 


Billiken (Outlined)

Billiken with white outline