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A central mission and philosophy of the 专业监督厅 at Saint Louis University 医学院 is to recognize and reward excellent professionalism. There are many individuals who go above and beyond to actively promote a culture of 关心,同情和卓越,他们所做的一切. 这些奖项都来自社区 recognition, a letter of appreciation and a monetary award. 



The 博彩网址大全 医学院's 专业监督厅 (OPO) wants to know and recognize educators (faculty, fellows, trainees, students, nurses, administration, etc.) who exceptionally model the core principles of professionalism:

  • Investment and engagement in learner education
  • Practices civility and an understanding of respect in modeled
  • Recognizes and honors the vast diversity within our learning environment
  • 表现出耐心、同理心和关怀
  • Is trustworthy and committed to the practice of medicine

This nomination will be reviewed by the 专业监督厅 and shared 被提名人. All nominees will be recognized on the OPO website. 提名 process is rolling and will be marketed monthly. 每个月,一个人将收到 the “Exceptional Professionalism Award” and be recognized via Newslink. 收件人 will also receive a certificate and token of appreciation from the OPO. 

Use the link below to share your story regarding the individual that you are nominating. Explain how they embody characteristics related to professionalism and how they have 影响了你在博彩网址大全的经历. With the nominator’s permission, each story will 转交给被提名人. 

Make a 专业卓越奖提名


The 专业监督厅 in the 医学院 has launched a new initiative to recognize members of the medical school community who have made a positive impact within the school’s learning environment.



  • 一月:Wissam Kiwan, M.D.
    Advanced Endoscopist, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Gastroenterology
  • 一月:亚伦·米勒,男.D., M.S.P.H.
    Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric infectious Diseases
  • 二月:赛义达·肯特,m.s.D.
  • 六月:约瑟夫·埃斯皮里图,m.s.D.
  • July Raymond Okeke, M.D.
  • 八月:维米塔·帕特尔,m.m.D.
    Resident, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
  • 十月:塞缪尔·莱因哈特,m.s.D.
  • 11月:凯文·贾格萨博士.D.
    研究 Scientist, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • January Recipient: Alejandro Mendez-Castillo, M.D.
  • 二月获奖者:Farzana Hoque, m.s.D.
  • 三月获奖者:Amanda party, M.S.N., A.-G.N.P.-C.
  • 四月获奖者:Saindeep Jain, M.D.
  • 六月获奖者:马莉娅·格雷沙姆,男.D.
  • 2022年7月获奖者:Louisa Ragsdale, M.D.
  • 2022年8月获奖者:Erick Messias, M.D.
    Professor and Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience
  • 获奖者:Lisa Velez-Velez, M.D.
  • 2022年10月获奖者:Amy Mosman, P.A.-C.
  • 2022年11月获奖者:Meadow Campbell, Ph ..D.
  • 2022年12月获奖者:Shannon Grabosch博士.D.
  • 七月获奖者:艾米·盖勒普,男.D.
  • 八月获奖者:Ghassan Daher, m.s.D.
  • 2021年9月获奖者:Neal Weber, M.S.Ed.
  • 获奖者:Sameer Siddiqui M.D.
  • 11月获奖者:Raymond akinawo
    Resident, Department of Department of Emergency Medicine
  • 12月获奖者:Wilson Rodriguez, M.D.
  • 一月获奖者:Chintalapati Varma, M.D. 
    Associate Professor, Abdominal Transplant Center
  • 2月获奖者:Sagun Goyal, m.s.D.
    Division 导演, Internal Medicine Hematology/Oncology
  • 四月获奖者:David A. Wathen D.O
  • 收件人:博士. 布鲁斯Kraemer
  • 获奖者:博士. 简Yoon
  • 获奖者:博士. 莎拉·迈克布莱德
  • 收件人:博士. Gabriela Espinoza, Associate Professor Ophthalmology
  • 获奖者:博士. 大卫·皮克,肺脏学助理教授
  • 获奖者:博士. Timothy Havens, Assistant Professor Emergency Medicine
  • 获奖者:博士. Zachary Hamilton, Assistant Professor Surgery - Urology
  • 12月:Amir Mohebbi,精神病学住院医师


The 专业监督厅 (OPO) is committed to honoring the contributions of the exemplary staff within the 博彩网址大全 医学院 and the academic practice SSM健康. In doing so, the OPO will award one staff member monthly for their 在下列领域取得的成就.

Recipients of the 职业化员工支柱 Award will be nominated by colleagues 和/或经理们的贡献. Nominees should be staff (full-time or part-time) of either 博彩网址大全 or SSM, and can fall within any of the following categories:

  • 学术部门成员
  • Health care professionals residing in both inpatient and outpatient clinical environments
  • Departmental staff within the 医学院 and SSM communities who do not fall 在上述类别中
  • Criteria for the 职业化员工支柱 Award:
  • Strong nominations will address the nominee’s ability to rise above their peers in 下列类别中的一个或多个.
  • Collaborates with internal and/or external stakeholders
  • Fosters positivity and a supportive work environment
  • Significantly contributes to established unit goals
  • 职业行为的榜样
  • 以勇气领导
  • Commitment to creating an inclusive working environment
  • Dedication to individual growth and professional development


  • 一月:玛德琳·罗
    Clerkship 协调员, Division of General Internal Medicine
  • 一月:乔安娜·比尔
  • 马奇:马特·奥尔维格
  • 六月:Mersiha Skokic,注册会计师
    SSM健康- 博彩网址大全Care医生组
  • 七月:帕特里夏·安德森
    Program 协调员, Center for Anatomical Science and 教育
  • 奥古斯特:伯纳黛特·怀利
  • 十月:艾米丽·海恩斯
  • 11月:丹尼斯·帕克


积极性项目 is a student-run initiative that aims to acknowledge those students who go above and beyond for their peers. 不管是帮个小忙还是 significant accomplishment, the goal is that this recognition will help students feel appreciated and understand the impact they have on their communities. 最终的 goal of the project is to foster a positive and collaborative environment for students 当他们成长为医学专业人士.

参与这个项目很容易! If you see a student making a difference, submit an anonymous nomination with a short description of what the student did. 提名 are received monthly with two winners announced at the end of the month. 获胜者会得到 an Amazon gift card and an official letter from the 专业监督厅.

Please click the link below to learn more, nominate a student and be entered into a raffle for an Amazon gift card for your participation.
