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Philosophy for Ministry, B.A. (Archdiocesan)

博彩网址大全牧师哲学文学学士学位, offered through the College of Philosophy and Letters, 包括一个大主教管区的浓度,旨在满足按立为教区司铎的本科要求. The B.A. 为被肯瑞克-格伦农神学院录取的人提供智力上的培养, where they complete the seminary’s programs for spiritual, ministerial and personal development.

Curriculum Overview

博彩网址大全的事工哲学文学学士的总教区集中在37学分的事工哲学专业, complemented by 28 credits in theology, Catholic Studies, and ecclesiastical Latin. The degree requires 51 credits in general education. The minimum number of credits required for graduation is 120.


博彩网址大全的牧师哲学文学学士的大主教管区集中为学生提供哲学, theological, 语言和其他一般本科要求,以促进协调, as approved by the U.S. 天主教主教会议,并在司铎培育计划中提出.


每个教区在学术成就方面的博彩网址大全要求, personal character and spiritual ideals must be met. 

Admission Requirements

Begin Your Application

Saint Louis University also accepts the Common Application.


所有的申请都将以最高的个人关怀和对提交的所有证书的考虑进行彻底的审查. 在大学预科课程中扎实的学习成绩是审查新生申请文件的首要考虑因素.

博彩网址大全的本科课程录取, applicants must be graduating from an accredited high school, 有一个可接受的HiSET考试成绩或参加通识教育发展(GED)考试. 



大学学分少于24个学期学分(或30个季度学分)的学生必须遵循上述新生博彩网址大全要求. 完成24个或以上学期学分(或30个季度学分)的学生必须提交以前就读过的所有大学的成绩单。.

In reviewing a transfer applicant’s file, 招生办公室全面考察学生在大学水平课程中的学习成绩,作为学生满足博彩网址大全学术严格要求的能力的指标. Where applicable, 转学生将在其首选专业的继续标准中列出的任何课程进行评估.

International Applicants


  • Demonstrate English Language Proficiency
  • Proof of financial support must include:
    • 由资助你在博彩网址大全学习的个人或赞助机构出具的经济支持信
    • 担保人的银行出具的证明资金可用的信件,证明资金在大学学习期间是可用的
  • Academic records, in English translation, 在美国以外接受高等教育的学生必须包括所修课程和/或参加的讲座, practical laboratory work, the maximum and minimum grades attainable, 所有期末考试的成绩或结果, and any honors or degrees received. WES and ECE transcripts are accepted.


Tuition Cost Per Year
Undergraduate Tuition $39,040

Additional charges may apply. Other resources are listed below:

Net Price Calculator

Information on Tuition and Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Information on Summer Tuition

Scholarships and Financial Aid


  • Scholarships: 奖学金是根据学业成绩、服务、领导能力和经济需要颁发的.
  • Financial Aid: 经济援助通过赠款和贷款提供,其中一些需要偿还.

博彩网址大全尽一切努力使我们的教育负担得起. 在2022财年,99%的大一新生和90%的所有学生都获得了奖学金 financial aid 全校学生获得了超过4.45亿美元的助学金.

For priority consideration for merit-based scholarships, 在12月1日前申请博彩网址大全,并在3月1日前完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA).


  1. Graduates will be able to analyze and evaluate arguments.
  2. 毕业生将能够识别塑造西方哲学史的主要思想家和思想之间的异同.
  3. 毕业生将能够分析信仰与理性之间的关系.
Undergraduate University Core32-35
Major Requirements
PLJ 3000Logic and Epistemology3
PLJ 3100Ancient Philosophy3
PLJ 3150Philosophy of Nature3
PLJ 3200Medieval Philosophy3
PLJ 3300Philosophical Anthropology3
PLJ 4000Metaphysics3
PLJ 4100Modern Philosophy3
PLJ 4250Natural Theology3
PLJ 4310Ethics3
PLJ 4350Social-Political Philosophy3
PLJ 4800Contemporary Philosophy3
PLJ 4965Philosophy Capstone: Faith & Reason2-3
Philosophy Electives4
哲学选修课也可以满足于适当的PHIL 3000或PHIL 4000水平的哲学课程.
Additional Ecclesiastical Requirements
Ecclesiastical Latin 6
Selected from the following courses
THEO 1000
Theological Foundations
PLJ 1050
Catechism I: Catholic Doctrine
PLJ 2050
Catholic Morality
PLJ 3050
Liturgy and Sacraments I: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
PLJ 3055
PLJ 3060
PLJ 4050
Christian Prayer
Catechetical Methods 1
General Electives30
Total Credits120

Continuation Standards

Students must maintain a minimum 2.00 grade point average (GPA).


Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !)必须在列出的学期内完成,以确保及时毕业. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

这个路线图不应该用来代替定期的学术咨询预约. 鼓励所有学生每学期与他们的指导老师/导师见面. 要求,课程的可用性和顺序可能会发生变化.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
ENGL 1500
or ENGL 1900
The Process of Composition
or Advanced Strategies of Rhetoric and Research
HIST 1110 Origins of the Modern World to 1500 3
CMM 1200 Public Speaking 3
PLJ 1010 Ecclesiastical Latin I 3
PLJ 1050
or CORE 1600
Catechism I: Catholic Doctrine
or Ultimate Questions: Theology
Elective 3
ENGL 1900 Advanced Strategies of Rhetoric and Research 3
HIST 1110 Origins of the Modern World to 1500 3
PLJ 1020 Ecclesiastical Latin II 3
PLJ 2050 Catholic Morality 2
Electives 6
Year Two
MATH 1200 College Algebra 3
Language Elective I: Ecclesiastical Latin III 3
PLJ 3050 Liturgy and Sacraments I: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist 2
Electives 9
PLJ 3055 礼仪与圣事二:和解、病人恩膏、圣秩、婚姻 2
Electives 13
Year Three
PLJ 3150 Philosophy of Nature 3
PLJ 3100 Ancient Philosophy 3
PLJ 3060 圣经导论:圣经解释学和救恩史 2
PLJ 3000 Logic and Epistemology 3
Electives 5
PLJ 3300 Philosophical Anthropology 3
PLJ 3200 Medieval Philosophy 3
PLJ 4310 Ethics 3
PLJ 4050 Christian Prayer 2
Catechetical Methods 1
Elective 2
Year Four
PLJ 4000 Metaphysics 3
PLJ 4250 Natural Theology 3
PLJ 4100 Modern Philosophy 3
General Electives 4
PLJ 4350 Social-Political Philosophy 3
PLJ 4800 Contemporary Philosophy 3
PLJ 4965 Philosophy Capstone: Faith & Reason 2
General Electives 4
 Total Credits121-122

有关神学院学生奖学金的更多信息, contact Kenrick-Glennon Registrar Catherine Hayek at