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Global Health, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate

The field of global health seeks to promote and protect the health of the global population, including those most vulnerable and underrepresented. Global health professionals and students use evidence to identify and address issues of disparity and inequity, which directly aligns with Saint Louis University’s mission and exemplifies the social justice mission of the College for Public Health and Social Justice. Saint Louis University's certificate in global health trains individuals to understand the entities influencing global health; to address social determinants of health from a variety of perspectives; to conduct ethical research; and to develop sustainable, 以证据为基础的干预措施. 


This certificate program caters to three distinct audiences:

  1. Working professionals who would benefit from developing global health competencies
  2. Graduate students in other disciplines at 博彩网址大全 who seek additional training in the global health field
  3. Students interested in taking a “gap year” between undergraduate and graduate or professional studies. 

博彩网址大全's global health graduate certificate consists of five courses totaling 15 credits taken over one or two years, depending on the student’s preference and needs. All coursework for this certificate is available in person, with the option to take PUBH 5030 Methodological Approaches to Understanding Population Health 在线.


Students awarded 博彩网址大全's global health graduate certificate will be prepared to pursue or advance in positions such as a health educator; nonprofit program coordinator; program manager; community health worker or public health researcher, especially working with marginalized and vulnerable populations either domestically or internationally.

Completion of the certificate is also an important career tool and credential for professionals in other roles that intersect with global health, including social workers; nursing home visitors; urban planners; and clinicians, 比如医生和护士.


Applicants should have a bachelor's 学位, preferably with a minimum 3.平均绩点00. Applications are reviewed on a holistic and rolling basis. 应用, applicants will need to submit their transcripts, CV, personal statement and two letters of recommendation through SOPHAS表达, the common application system for public health schools and programs.  


学费 每学分成本
研究生学费 $1,310

可能会收取额外费用. 其他资源如下:






For more information about Saint Louis University scholarships and financial aid, please visit the Office of Student Financial Services 在线 at web-sitemap.sino-hero.com/financial-aid.  


Saint Louis University's College for Public Health and Social Justice is fully accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). To see our most recent accreditation documentation, please visit the College for Public Health and Social Justice website.

  1. 毕业生将能够分析这些角色, relationships and resources of the entities influencing global health.
  2. Graduates will be able to apply ethical approaches in global health research.
  3. Graduates will be able to propose sustainable and evidence-based multi-sectoral interventions, considering the social determinants of health specific to the local area.
EPI 5110传染病流行病学3
or EPI 5120 慢性病流行病学
GLOH 5000全球健康概论3
GLOH 5200全球卫生与实施科学3
PUBH 5030Methodological Approaches to Understanding Population Health3
GLOH 5930专题(全球问题的实践)3


Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.在所有的研究生/专业课程中.

路线图s are recommended semester-by-semester plans of study for programs and assume full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted.  

Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !) must be completed in the semester listed to ensure a timely graduation. 转移学分可能会改变路线图.

This roadmap should not be used in the place of regular academic advising appointments. All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor/mentor each semester. 需求, course availability and sequencing are subject to change.

GLOH 5000 全球健康概论 3
GLOH 5200 全球卫生与实施科学 3
PUBH 5030 Methodological Approaches to Understanding Population Health 3
EPI 5110
or EPI 5120
GLOH 5930 专题(关键过程:  全球性问题的实践) 3

PUBH 5030 Methodological Approaches to Understanding Population Health (3 cr) may be replaced with an Elective, if previously taken


This certificate may be completed concurrently with 任何米.P.H. 学位 除了M以外.P.H. in global health or a joint 学位 that includes global health.  

另外, course work may be spread across two years taking six credits in 秋天 Year 1, then three credits each in 春天 Year 1, 二年级秋季和二年级春季.


For additional admission questions, please contact:
Director of Graduate Recruitment and 博彩网址大全