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阿片类药物危机继续影响着太多人的生活. 在博彩网址大全, an interdisciplinary group of researchers is working toward compassionate and innovative 解决方案.

Four of these researchers discuss their work and its connection to the University’s 天主教,耶稣会传教会.

The opioid crisis is one of the most devastating public health crises of the 21st century, with the number of opioid-related deaths quadrupling 在 last 20 years. 研究ers 在博彩网址大全 are mobilizing to provide relief 在 midst of this.

“每个人都受到了成瘾问题的影响. 每个人都有过一个朋友,一个爱人 one, whose life has deteriorated because of addiction,” 说 弗雷德·罗特内克,M.D.教授, 斯坦福大学家庭和社区医学的教授. “我们在圣路易斯处于一个独特的位置 University as a research institution and as a Catholic Jesuit institution to look very broadly at… all the things that have come together to create a perfect storm with the opioid epidemic and with the problems associated with that.”


A number of the researchers working on this issue today have been studying it for 现在有时间了. Their work continues to provide novel insights into addiction, criminal 司法,疼痛管理,以及其他一些相关领域.

杰弗里·谢勒博士.D.是这些研究人员之一. 他是一位教授 斯坦福大学家庭和社区医学的教授, has conducted a number of insightful studies at the University, including a first-of-its-kind study into prescription opioid use 和抑郁. 这项研究发现了一种危险的、自我延续的虐待循环.

“The longer you use, the greater your risk of developing new onset depression,” Scherrer 说. “And what it’s going to do is make it more difficult to manage pain, creating a cycle of increasing exposure to opioids, higher doses, this cycle that kind 它以自己为食.”

Scherrer’s research highlights the critical importance of addressing upstream risk 心理健康等因素是疼痛管理的一部分.

Daniela Salvemini博士.D.是另一位工作具有开创性的研究人员. 萨尔米尼是博彩网址大全的药理学和生理学教授. 她研究神经病变 pain, one of the most common pain states and one of the most difficult to manage.

Salvemini’s recent work has focused on two research projects: the development of novel, non-opiate medication and the development of adjuncts so that opioids can be used 非常低的剂量,从而大大减轻了不良副作用. 其中有很多 会很快进入临床试验吗.

这都是为了帮助人们。”萨尔米尼说道. “帮助想出一些东西 会减轻人类的痛苦. 我们进展缓慢,但我们肯定会 在那里.”


These researchers have been the recipients of both prestigious accolades and significant federal funding, establishing 博彩网址大全 as a national leader 在 fight against addiction.

2019年4月,舍勒是 awarded over $3 million 从 National Institute on Drug Abuse of the National 美国卫生研究院) to study the pathways 从慢性阿片类药物使用到新发情绪障碍.

2018年10月,萨尔米尼 授予4美元.美国国立卫生研究院拨款500万美元 to help find 解决方案 to, among other things, opioid addiction, in August 2019, 她是 获得2美元.美国国立卫生研究院提供了100万美元 to investigate a pain signaling pathway that could open up a new avenue for pain 药物研究. 她也是圣路易斯科学院的研究员.

莉兹·基亚雷洛博士.D.他是博彩网址大全社会学副教授,研究策略 来解决阿片类药物危机,最近 selected for an elite fellowship at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at 哈佛大学 对于这项工作.

Chiarello’s current project is determining how the health care and criminal justice 系统正在管理危机. 具体来说,Chiarello感兴趣的是什么资源 can be provided to health care providers and law enforcement officials to curb the 危机的影响. 她认为处方药监测项目是 one resource that could help; Missouri is the only state without one.

“We have to figure out how to make more meaningful entry points into the health care system instead of meaningful entry points into the criminal justice system,” 说 Chiarello.


Rottnek, Scherrer, Salvemini, Chiarello are all among the researchers working 在 物质使用障碍和疼痛管理中心博彩网址大全. The Center supports and advances excellence in research and clinical care 与物质使用障碍和疼痛管理有关.

“We have so many tools in our tool belt here 在博彩网址大全 to create this very broad, ambitious initiative which not only reflects the values of our university, but allows us to 作为地区领导者更全面地参与这项工作,”罗特内克说. “我没有看见 任何其他机构在理念上都如此大胆."

The Center has catalyzed existing research ambitions and strengthened connections 与整个大学的研究人员合作.

“The energy and commitment and investment in research 在博彩网址大全 在 past two years has probably been the greatest since I’ve been involved 在博彩网址大全, that goes back 25年,”谢勒说.

The work of the Center is informed by 博彩网址大全's 天主教,耶稣会传教会 and the institution's 对当地社区的承诺. 路易. 这项研究的大部分内容告诉我们 向当地社区提供的初级保健.

博彩网址大全确实将自己定位为社区盟友. 校园里有这么多人 正在做有意义的工作,”基亚雷洛说.

“So much of what we do well here 在博彩网址大全 is grounded 在 community in St. 路易。” Rottnek说. “这些问题触及我们所有人的生活. 我们可以一起学习,我们 能找到互相支持的方法吗.”

In May 2019, the Center joined the National Academy of Medicine and more than 100 全国各地的其他组织 宣布致力于打击阿片类药物流行.


Learn more about the four faculty members featured in this article and video:




2019年5月,Chiarello加入 来自10个国家的50位学者、科学家和艺术家 在接受 prestigious fellowship 从 Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study 在哈佛大学. 该奖学金的录取率为3%.7%,并允许 Chiarello打算写一本书来研究美国经济的影响.S. 阿片类药物危机如何 卫生保健提供者和执法官员履行他们的职责. Chiarello也是 在a的第二年 五年NSF教师早期职业发展基金. These grants are given to early-career faculty who demonstrate potential to serve as leaders with在ir institutions and as academic role models in research and education.


弗雷德·罗特内克,M.D., MAHCM


Rottnek is the Director of Community Medicine 在 department of Family and Community Medicine and the medical director of the Physician Assistant program 在博彩网址大全. Rottnek was among the first individuals 在 region to be Board-Certified in 上瘾 Medicine 并创立了 成瘾医学奖学金计划 他目前担任该校的项目主管.


Daniela Salvemini博士.D.


萨尔米尼是全国神经性疼痛研究领域的领军人物. 2018年10月, 她被授予 $4.500万美元用于研究“化疗大脑”和阿片类药物成瘾2019年8月,她获此殊荣 $2.美国国立卫生研究院提供了100万美元 to investigate a pain signaling pathway that could open 开辟了止痛药研究的新途径. 她也是 亨利和阿米莉亚·纳斯鲁拉神经科学中心 也是圣路易斯科学院的研究员. 她也是首席科学家 advisor and chair of the research advisory board of BioIntervene Inc.基于博彩网址大全的 她在2014年创立的创业公司.




Scherrer is the research division director 在 department of Family and Community 医学和研究副主任 先进健康数据研究所. He has been awarded a number of grants to study a variety of complex issues; in 2016年9月,获奖 $2.美国国立卫生研究院拨款300万用于研究创伤后应激障碍 2019年4月,他获得了奖项 $3 million 从 National Institute on Drug Abuse of the NIH to study the pathways 从慢性阿片类药物使用到新发情绪障碍. He is also a research leader on campus; in January 2019, he became one of the first 15名教职员工将接受 总共1美元.800万的研究增长资金博彩网址大全研究所.