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签证是放在护照上的一个签注,表明你可以进入, 离开并停留在一个国家——在这个例子中是西班牙——一段特定的时间. 虽然来自许多国家的游客可以免签证进入西班牙,但在西班牙停留的时间很长 their stay is limited to 90 days over a period of 180 days.


需要签证进入西班牙的博彩网址大全马德里分校学生必须离开 enough time for the complete visa application process as detailed below. 博彩网址大全-Madrid does 不 reimburse visa costs, even if a visa is 不 granted.

马德里外国语大学要求学生提供在西班牙合法居住的证明. 未能在抵达时出示适当的学生签证,如有必要,或 以学生身份保持合法居留权将导致立即退学 以及被大学开除. Refunds will be issued according to the refund 政策.



非欧盟合法居民或公民的马德里大学学生 must apply for a visa to enter Spain and study at the Madrid campus. 这通常 includes any student who plans to study for at least one semester.


There are two types of student visas for Spain:

  • 短期签证(最长停留180天):适用于在马德里外国语大学学习的学生 六个月或一个学期之内. This could be called a short-stay visa or a "long-stay visa up to 180 days," depending on the consulate. 
  • 长期签证(有效期180天以上):适用于计划在马德里外国语大学学习的学生 两个或两个以上学期. This visa is required for students to obtain their student 居留证 Tarjeta de studdiante在抵达西班牙后的一个月内. This ID card — and its subsequent renewals -将允许你在西班牙待到完成学业和旅行 进出这个国家. 博彩网址大全-Madrid's Office of Student Life will assist you in 获得 Tarjeta de studdiante

在117个西班牙领事馆或大使馆的领事处申请 在世界范围内. Verify which consulate you should apply to by visiting the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation website并指出,距离领事馆很近并不意味着你就在领事馆内 领事馆的管辖权. You may have to travel to a不her country.

每个领事馆都有自己的预约制度,有些领事馆允许预约 邮寄申请. For the most up-to-date information, refer to your consulate's 网页.

仔细阅读需求,作为最常见的关于应用程序的问题 procedures and materials are answered on each consulate's 网页. 注意需求 各领事馆有所不同.

西班牙的学生签证从申请开始大约需要四到六周的时间来处理 提交完整的申请. Remember that collecting the documentation you need to present as part of your application can take time; this is especially true of document 合法化和翻译. 请做相应的计划. 

What sort of documents will I need for the student visa application?

一般来说,一个成功的签证申请将包括,但不限于 To, turnin:转入

  • Completed Spanish Visa application form:
  • Passport, valid for at least one year with two continuous blank pages. 照片身份证(以 (除了你的护照).
  • Proof of full-time university enrollment.
  • 西班牙健康保险证明.
  • 足够资金证明(套用信函) (PDF).
  • 住房证明.
  • 签证费用不予退还.
  • Students staying two semesters or more must also present:
    • 良好行为证明书.
    • 健康证明书(套用信函) (PDF).

Your consulate will provide a checklist and instructions for submission.


如果您在申请西班牙学生签证时未满18岁,请向西班牙领事馆申请 may require you to present additional documents. 各领事馆的要求各不相同, 所以你必须向相应的领事馆查询他们的具体礼仪. 

当你申请签证时,你的父母或法定监护人必须至少有一人在场 陪你去领事馆. The parent or 《博彩网址大全》 who does 不 attend needs to 提供一份经公证的文件,证明他们授权当前的父母或监护人 向您申请签证. 

如果您是未成年人,请直接与您的领事馆联系以获得特殊指示 单亲/监护人家庭. 

西班牙领事馆通常要求额外的文件,下面列出,如果你是 一个小: 

  • Written authorization from both parents/legal 《博彩网址大全》s to travel abroad.
  • 经海牙认证(在海牙以外的国家) Apostille Convention,您/您的父母必须将这些文件带到西班牙 Consulate for the Spanish Consul to sign and stamp the Consul's seal.)
  • 父母的护照公证件.
  • 出生证明原件及经公证的复印件(最近12个月内签发的).

西班牙当局要求未成年人(18岁以下)有法律代表 在西班牙处理官方文件. You are responsible for finding your legal 《博彩网址大全》. A legal 《博彩网址大全》 must be over 18 years old, a Spanish legal resident with 相应的文件,并可在不同事项上代表您. Your 《博彩网址大全》 could be a family member or a family friend. 法定监护 一直持续到18岁.

博彩网址大全-Madrid faculty and staff are 不 permitted to assume this role. 寄宿家庭 arranged by 博彩网址大全-Madrid do 不 accept minors.

要建立法律监护,请咨询您的领事馆,因为每个领事馆的条款可能有所不同 所需文件. You may need to secure the following before arriving in Spain: 

  • 委托书由 双方家长 或法定监护人授权,监护人在 Spain, certified with the 海牙附议.
  • 出生证明原件及经公证的复印件(最近12个月内签发的); certified with the 海牙附议.
  • 你在西班牙的监护人必须提供一份信件,假设 是你的法定监护人 你居住在西班牙(西班牙语).

Within 30 days of your arrival in Spain, you must apply for a residence card (外部标识的目标 or TIE) if you will be studying in Spain for more than 180 days. 居留证 establishes you as a legal resident in Spain during your studies. 单是签证就可以 不. To apply for a residence card, the Spanish authorities will request the three 上面列出的文件和前两份文件的西班牙语法律翻译.

您在西班牙的法定监护人必须陪同您出席约会 你的居住证申请. Your legal 《博彩网址大全》 in Spain must also accompany you to pick up your card from the police authorities once it is issued. 

有关申请居留卡所需步骤的更多信息,请访问 联系学生生活办公室. 


希望申请西班牙学生签证的学生必须申请此文件 在全球117个西班牙领事馆中的任何一个,或在一个 大使馆. 注意,靠近领事馆并不意味着你就在领事馆内 jurisdiction; to check which consulate you should apply to, visit the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation website.

在某些情况下,您可能会被要求提供额外的文书工作,例如行程证明 或住宿证明. Refer to your consulate's requirements and contact the Office of 招生 for additional help. 

Should you need a legal translation, you can find a 合格翻译人员名单 recognized by the Spanish Foreign Ministry. 你可以按国家(《国家)及语文(语言)使用搜寻工具. 

请记住,博彩网址大全-Madrid不报销与申请或相关的费用 obtaining a student visa, even in the case of a rejected application. 


9个西班牙领事馆为美国提供服务.S. in different geographic regions in addition 去波多黎各. With the exception of California, your state will be assigned to one 9个领事馆中. Verify which consulate corresponds to your state on the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation website. 靠近领事馆并不意味着你在领事馆的管辖范围内.

确认的学生将收到详细的学生签证的附加信息 流程和时间表. 

Certificates of Good Behavior/FBI Background Checks 

申请180天签证的学生(攻读学位或出国留学的学生) (两个学期)或以上必须获得良好行为证明,其中的文件 criminal activity or the absence thereof in the last five years. 这是经过验证的 by fingerprints at the federal level via the FBI.  

申请联邦调查局的背景调查 经联合国认证.S. Department of State with the Apostille of the Hague Convention. Choose the online option ($18) to avoid significant delays. 你的犯罪记录 会在48小时内到达,之后你就可以进行电子指纹采集了 通过实时扫描技术(大约. $50). 

You can find a complete guide to the FBI background check process on the 联邦调查局网站. Please plan to have your background check completed at least 10-12 weeks before 你的任命,因为它需要由国务院合法化和翻译 由认证翻译. 

在过去的五年中,您在美国境外居住了至少六个月 years, you will also need a background check from that country. 一定要考虑到 这将纳入您的应用程序时间框架,因为您可能还需要翻译和合法化.


海牙公章是在国外获得的文件的认证印章 申根区. It certifies that the document is admissible within Schengen countries.

从国务院获得批注需要额外的申请, 所以这个过程最多允许三个人. 

Read More 关于 the Apostille of the Hague 

In addition, your consulate may require certified translations; you can find a 合格翻译人员名单 recognized by the Spanish Foreign Ministry. 你可以按国家(《国家)及语文(语言)使用搜寻工具.

For fall 2023 students, the Apostille of the Hague took 8-12 weeks to return. 我们敦促 你必须在学期开始前至少五个月完成联邦调查局的背景调查 start date to avoid visa delays and potentially having to defer your admission. 

请记住,博彩网址大全-Madrid不报销与申请或相关的费用 obtaining a student visa, even in the case of a rejected application.